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Happy daughter with her parents

Navigating Senior Care can be a daunting challenge. A senior care consulting nurse can smooth your path and make life enjoyable again.

Karen Raschio BSN, RN

Karen helps you rest easier knowing you have a nurse on your side to help you navigate the confusing world of senior care.

Here's How I Help

Create a plan for care

Karen does an assessment and then creates a plan for needed care and connects you to the best care providers and resources.

Well Checks by an RN

Rest easier knowing that a geriatric expert is checking on your parent. Visits can be at a private home or a facility. 

Outstanding Care Coordination

Karen helps make sense of the confusing and disjointed healthcare system. She speaks Doctor so you can understand your loved one's disease and health status.


How to Get Started

Contact Karen to schedule a free phone call

A short phone call to evaluate what you are looking for. Then schedule a full assessment


Assessment to evaluate current situation and create a plan for the future.

Karen will meet with you and your senior loved one to see what health conditions they have, how those conditions are affecting them, assess their current living situation, and current care needs. 


Enact the plan

Karen will discuss her recommendations and then we will map out together where you need help. Ongoing help can include any of the following:

Well checks to make sure your loved one is receiving needed care.

Accompaniment to doctor appointments.

Coordinating care with therapists, caregivers, doctors, and other community resources.

Caregiver education to teach caregivers the tips and tricks of caregiving

Safety checks of the living environment

Helping set things up to age-in-place.

Finding a new place to live

Coordinating with a contractor to make home modifications

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